
The gbd Group is equipped with extensive domestic and international powers. This facilitates the flexible and unbureaucratic handling of challenges and tasks in the construction and mechanical engineering sectors.

Austrian Powers
Member of the Chamber of Civil and Architectural Engineers
Engineering consultants for the building trade and mechanical engineering

Generally sworn and court-certified experts
17.20 Railway, cableway, accident analysis
20.02 Construction physics
57.90 Metallic materials, their examination and testing
60.26 Strength calculations, finite elements
60.75 Rail vehicles, cableways, chairlifts, tow lifts
72.01 Building construction and architecture
72.05 Civil engineering
72.07 Static
72.33 Metal structures
72.37 Concrete and reinforced concrete construction
74.40 Glass constructions, glazing

EN ISO/IEC 17020 — Inspection body
EN ISO/IEC 17024 — Person certification body
EN ISO/IEC 17025 — Testing body
EN ISO/IEC 17065 — Product certification body

Powers Germany
Member of the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers
Recognized certification body for burglar-resistant products by the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office
Monitoring and certification body according to LBO (State Building Regulations) by the DIBt (German Institute of Civil Engineering)

Powers Switzerland
Member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)

Powers Italy
Member of the Bolzano Chamber of Engineers

International (Notified Body)
Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
Cableway installations regulation (EU) No. 2016/424
Testing body according to the Pressure Equipment Directive (EU) No. 2014/68/EU

Training and test centre according to EN ISO 9712 and EN 4179
Recognition as ATB (Authorized Training body) according to EWF (European Welding Federation) Guideline 652r3-14

Christoph Schwemberger: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/742478679120153?id=1205376682832142