Accredited and notified certification body according to EN ISO/IEC 17024 and EN ISO/IEC 17065

The overall objective of certification entails providing all participants with the confidence that a product, process or service, satisfies all the requirements specified. The value of the certification is the degree of confidence imparted through an impartial and qualified verification of the fulfilment of specified requirements, by a third party. Impartiality and trustworthiness are absolute prerequisites for a certification body.

As an accredited and notified certification body, we issue approved test certification according to diverse technical specifications in the product and personnel sectors throughout Europe.

Product certification body
  • Windows and external doors
  • Emergency exits and panic door locks
  • Bonded glass structures
  • Rear-ventilated cladding elements
  • Execution of steel and aluminium structures
  • Quality requirements for fusion welding for metallic materials
  • Rail vehicle construction
  • Water heater tanks
  • Manhole covers
  • Metal, composite and plastic fixings
Person certification body
  • Welder
  • Operator
Fire Protection
  • External doorset with fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics
  • Windows with fire resisting characteristic
  • Escape route doorsets
  • Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (NSHEV elements)
  • Emergency and panic exit devices

Notified body as certification body

  • Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 - Construction Products
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/424 – Cableway installations
  • Directive 2014/68/EU - Pressure Equipment

Link „Accreditation“
Link „Notification“

Christoph Schwemberger: