Mechanical engineering

The gbd Hydro GmbH company is our certification body for mechanical engineering. We perform conformity evaluations and calculations in the mechanical engineering sector. In this respect, hydro-electric power generation is our core activity. Together with the associated companies in the gbd Group we are able to provide the services for structural design, site management, project management and facade development, from a single source.

Our powers as authorised experts in the specialist sectors:
60.31 – Pressure vessels
60.35 - Hydraulic turbins, wind turbines
60.40 - Pumps, fans, compressors
60.43 - Machinery for mechanical power transmission and gearboxes
60.96 - Machinery testing (functionality, conformity to standards, safety and accident-relevant defects)
60.97 - Technical/commercial evaluation of machinery, plant, equipment, instruments, solely for power generation plants

Range of services mechanical engineering:
  • Planning and project development
  • Invitation to tender and contract awarding services
  • Preparation and testing of load-bearing strength certification, fit-for-purpose certification and endurance strength certification ( (analytical; FEM methods; beam and shell calculation programs)
  • Risk assessment - CE marking
  • Plant measurements and operational behaviour
  • Efficiency calculations (thermodynamic)
  • Accredited testing activities: VT, MT, PT, UT
  • Technical and efficiency analyses
  • Preparation of expert opinions
  • Approval of technical plant and equipment